Terms & Conditions

1.1. The use of this website (www.newbalance.gr) (“E-shop”) as well as the sale of goods by “STARTLINE MONOPROSOPI ANONYMH ETAIREIA EMPORIAS EIDON ENDYSEOS KAI YPODHSEOS”, with the trade name Startline Single Member Anonymous Company, GEMH no., 122411801000 and with its registered seat at 23ο Km ATHENS-LAMIA National Road, P.C. 14568, VAT no., 800435292 (“Company”) through the E-shop is governed by the terms and conditions herein (“Terms and Conditions”). The Company’s email address is info@newbalance.gr and its contact number is +30.210-8160085.

1.2. The presentation of goods for sale (Greece and Cyprus) on the E-shop constitutes an invitation by the Company to consumers to place an offer to conclude a sale of goods contract between the Company and the consumer and does not constitute in any way a binding commitment of the Company for the availability and sufficiency of goods presented on the E-shop.

1.3. The use of the E-shop suggests unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. While using the E-shop, the consumer undertakes to act as provided by law and in accordance with the principle of good faith and trade usage.

2.1. The consumer may carry out purchases from the E-shop as a guest without being necessary to register as a user (“Check out as Guest”).

2.2. If consumers wish to they can register as users (Registered User) by clicking on LOGIN/CREATE ACCOUNT. To register, the user will need to complete the relevant electronic form with the true, accurate and full information required there in (name and surname, email, phone number). The user must set a password for accessing the User Profile and choose if he wishes to receive NEWSLETTER or Reminders  about products he forgot in his cart by clicking the corresponding fields. This information (“USER PROFILE”) remains absolutely confidential, see details in paragraph 12.

2.3. By accessing the Profile, the user can see and edit the personal information, the user’s personal data, the shipping and billing addresses filed, which, the user, must keep true, accurate, up to date and complete. The User Profile will also show an order history with any previous orders made by that specific user through the E-shop. He can also see coupons that might has and edit his cookies choices.

2.4. The Company may send advertising emails, promotions etc., to Registered Users to the email address filed with the User Profile, provided that the user states that he wishes to receive advertising messages, promotions etc., by selecting the relevant NEWSLETTER button, with the user’s required confirmation that he has access to the provided email address. The user shall have the option in all advertising emails that the Company may send to the user to state that he does not wish to receive advertising emails, promotions etc. anymore.

2.5. The user may request at anytime the deletion of the Profile he has created by sending an email to support@newbalance.gr with the request to delete the user details kept.

The languages that may be used for the conclusion of a sale of goods contract through the E-shop are Greek and English. The consumer must select the language he is familiar with, otherwise, if not competent in any of the above, the consumer must not proceed to an order.

4.1. Newbalance.gr is using the protocol SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) in order to secure online trading. In this way, all the personal information of the consumer’s, including credit card number, name and address, are encrypted so that they cannot be read or changed during the transfer over the Internet. The SSL certificate has been bought from Microsoft and it is based on GoDaddy protocol through the Microsoft Azzure platform. The SSL protocol, is adopted worldwide as the safest protocol for the certification of websites to Web users – and to encrypt data between network users and network servers. An encrypted SSL communication requires all information sent between a client and a server (server) be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, protecting personal information during transmission. In addition, all information sent by the SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism that automatically checks whether the data have been changed in transit. For any further information visit: https://uk.godaddy.com/agreements/showdoc.aspx?pageid=PRIVACY

4.2. All payments made with the use of a card are processed through the “ePOS Paycenter” of Piraeus Bank that uses TLS 1.2 encryption protocol encryption with 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer – SSL). Encryption is a way of coding the information until it reaches its recipient, who will be able to decode it using the appropriate key.

5.1. Before making an electronic order and prior to the conclusion of a sales of goods contract between the consumer and the Company as provided in the stages in para., 6, the consumer, by checking the ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS box, states that he has obtained knowledge of the following information, which the consumer fully understands and accepts:

i) the main characteristics of the goods wishing to order,
ii) the Company’s name, the address of its seat, contact details as well as the other Company’s details, as provided in para., 1.1.,
iii) the total price of the goods that the consumer wishes to purchase. This price includes VAT. It does not include shipping costs, which are calculated at the SUBMIT ORDER stage,(see para., 8.3), where applicable,
iv) the payment methods, as described in para., 7 and the delivery times provided in para., 8,
v) the ability to contact the Company using the contact details of para., 1.1.,
vi) the right to withdraw from the order, as described in detail in para.,11 (conditions, relevant timelimits, process for exercising that right, the obligations of the Company and the consumer etc.). In cases of withdrawal pursuant to para., 11, the consumer shall not incur any shipping costs for the first return of the goods only where the consumer exercising the right to withdraw uses the ACS courier (and the most economic standard option) for such return (see paras., 11.5-11.6),
vii) the Company’s liability for actual defects and lack of agreed qualities according to the Greek Civil Code articles 534 et seq. (see para.,9),
viii) the existence of after sale customer support, either by email at viii) support@newbalance.gr or telephone on +30.210-8160085,
ix) the functionality of digital content produced either by the Company or another rightful owner of such digital content,
x) the possibility to correct possible input errors prior to the placing of the order (see para., 6.5),
xi) Consumers Check’s out as Guest will not have access to the information entered in the Order Process (see para., 6.3). For Registered Users please see para., 2.3 as regards the user’s access to the information provided to the Company and the user’s order history,
xii) the provisions of paragraph 12 concerning the collection and processing of personal data to which he consents,
xiii) the possibility of having recourse to an out-of-court complaint and redress mechanism and the methods for having access to it, as described in detail in para., 14.

6.1. By placing his order, the consumer explicitly acknowledges that the order of goods through the E-shop implies an obligation to pay.

6.2. The stages for placing an order: The first step in the process of placing an order is for the consumer to select the goods that he wishes to order (as well as the color, size etc., where applicable) and to place them in the CART by clicking the ADD TO CART button. The caption NOT AVAILABLE is shown in the event that the goods that the consumer has selected are not available. The consumer clicks on the CHECKOUT button if he wishes to proceed to the next step of the ordering process.

6.3. The consumer can either complete his order as a guest by selecting CHECKOUT AS GUEST or as a registered user by logging in with his email and access code or by Registering and accepting Terms and Conditions. Following that, the consumer will need to complete his email and accept if he wishes to receive NEWSLETTER by clicking the button. Following that the consumer will need to fullfil the required fields in the CHECKOUT form that will appear (name and surname, email, country, city, address, post code, telephone). For registered users, see para., 2.2.

6.4. If the consumer clicks on the PAYMENT METHOD button, the consumer is asked to select a payment method for his order (see available payment methods in para.,7).

6.5. It is possible for consumers to correct any input errors in the various stages of the order placing process and before CHECKOUT by selecting the BACK button.

6.6. The consumer shall click on the CHECKOUT button, If he wishes to complete his order, acknowledging his obligation to pay the total amount of money clearly stated in his order, including shipping costs, where applicable (for shipping costs see para., 8.3). By selecting the ACCEPT TERMS AND CONDITIONS button, the consumer unconditionally accepts the Terms and Conditions herein.

6.7. The placing of an order constitutes an offer by consumers to the Company for the purchase of the good or goods that the consumer has selected and does not mean that a valid sale of goods contract has been concluded between the consumer and the Company. During this stage a sale contract has not been concluded.

6.8. Conclusion of the Contract: The contract is concluded as soon as the consumer receives in his email address an email by the Company which includes the relevant ORDER CODE and is the receipt confirmation for the consumer’s order. It is noted that the contract is concluded only for the goods for which the Company accepts the consumer’s offer with the above email.

6.9. In the event that the Company needs to contact a consumer who has made an order Checkout (for instance, if there is a problem with the order whether in relation to the goods or the payment) and this is not feasible within 24 hours as of the CHECKOUT, then the order is automatically cancelled and the consumer will be informed via email from our Company.

6.10. Consumers can cancel their orders with no charge within 24 hours as of CHECKOUT.

7.1. All prices at the E-shop are in Euro and include the legal VAT.

7.2. The payment of the price and of the shipping costs may be made with the following methods:

i) by credit card, debit card or prepaid card, on the condition of their lawful use. Cards of any type are accepted, with the exception of AMEX (American Express) and DINERS. For credit card purchases you have the option of interest-free installments. For purchases from 88€ up to 187.99€ you can get up to 5 interest-free installments. For purchases over 188€ you can get up to 10 interest-free installments.
ii) by cash-on-delivery to the courier authorized for such purposes at the time of the delivery of goods. Payment by cash-on-delivery is acceptable for sums up to €500 or as permitted by law from time to time.
iii) by deposit in one of the following bank accounts [the depositor will bear the expenses or other commissions for the transfer of funds:

 ALPHA BANK  101002002332931  GR0401401010101002002332931
 PIRAEUS BANK  6558110041643  GR2801715580006558110041643

In cases were the consumer opts to deposit money to one of the above bank accountsas a method of payment, the Company has the right to cancel the order in the event that the payment of the relevant amount(including shipping costs, where applicable) is not made within two (2) business days as Checkout. The consumer must include the ORDER CODE in the deposit slip as well as his name and surname.
iv) by PayPal.
v) By IRIS online payment.

7.3. In any case, the Company will not execute the order until the issuer of the card or the Paypal payment system approves the payment of the sale price (including shipping costs, where applicable) or the Company confirms the deposit of the corresponding amount in one of the bank accounts of para.,7.2. (iii). To expedite the process, the consumer may send the corresponding deposit receipt by email to support@newbalance.gr together with his name, surname and ORDER CODE.

8.1. Goods are shipped with the courier used from time to time (courier-ACS) for Greece and Cyprus.

8.2. The consumer shall receive a relevant email to the address entered in the ORDER FORM when the goods are dispatched by the Company.

8.3. Shipping costs are calculated as follows: FREE for orders over €59 (Greece and Cyprus). For less than €59 there will be a shipping charge of €5.00 for deliveries to Greece and €8 for deliveries to Cyprus.

8.4. Time and delivery type: Unless otherwise agreed between the consumer and the Company, the latter shall deliver the goods as soon as possible and in anyway within 4 business days for shipments in all Greece, within 10 busniess days for shipments in Cyprus as of the CHECKOUT. Deliver of the goods is made with the transfer of the physical possession or control of the goods to the consumer or to a third person who the consumer indicates, other than the carrier.

8.5. There may be differences in the delivery time (approximately 2-3 additional business days delay for deliveries in Greece and 4-6 additional business days for deliveries in Cyprus) for regions not easily accessible.

8.6. In the event that the Company fails to deliver the goods within the time agreed with the consumer or within the above 4 to 10 business days (or the delivery time of para., 8.5), the consumer is entitled to terminate the contract, provided that he has requested the Company to deliver the goods within reasonable time and the Company has failed to deliver the goods within such additional period. The Company is apologizing for the rare occasions where it may not complete an order. In any event, the Company’s qualified personnel will try in the best possible way to accommodate consumers. The reasons could be that:

Between the hundreds of products presented in the E-shop there is a rare occasion where the product that the consumer wishes to order is out of stock and the Company’s electronic system has not had the time to automatically update the product availability given that this is an automated process with an online connection to the Company’s stores network. In such cases, a representative of the Company will contact the consumer promptly to provide all alternative solutions or even cancel his order, at no charge for the consumer.

In the event that there are simultaneous sales of the specific product in the specific color and size in the Company’s store(s) or E-shop and existing availability does not suffice to accommodate the simultaneous orders.

8.7. An order may delay for the following reasons during sales, extreme weather conditions or strikes as well as in cases of force majeure (unforeseen and exceptional circustances) that may affect shipping and delivery of the order to the consumer.

9.1. The Company is required to deliver the goods to the consumer with the agreed qualities and without actual defects according to articles 534 et seq., of the Greek Civil Code.

9.2. The goods presented in the E-shop for sale and are sold through such E-shop are not accompanied by any explicit or implicit guarantee except guarantees that may not be excluded by law.

10.1 The risk of loss or damage to the goods shall pass to the consumer when he or a third party indicated by the consumer (other than the courier) has acquired the physical possession of the goods.
11.1 The right and period of withdrawal: The consumer has the right to return any of the goods purchased through the E-shop within 14 calendar days without giving any reason (Withdrawal). The Withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the next day that the consumer or a third party designated by the consumer and acting on his behalf (other than the carrier) has acquired the physical possession of:

i) the goods, or
ii) the last good, in the case of multiple goods ordered by the consumer in one order and delivered separately, or
iii) the last lot or piece, in the case of delivery of a good consisting of multiple lots or pieces, 

for which he wishes to exercise the right to withdrawal from the sale of goods contract.

11.2. It is noted that in order to adhere to the period of withdrawal, the consumer must exercise his right to withdraw as provided in para., 11.3 before the period of para., 11.1 expires.

11.3. Exercise of the right of Withdrawal: In order to exercise the right of Withdrawal, the consumer shall inform the Company in writing of his decision to withdraw with an unequivocal statement (i.e. with a letter he will send by post to the Company or by email to the Company’s email address, see para., 1.1 for the contact details). The consumer may also use the model RETURN FORM that will be included in the order package (the Return Form is available for downloading HERE).

11.4. Obligations of the Company in the event of Withdrawal: If the consumer exercises the right of Withdrawal within the prescribed time and in the manner provided in this para.,11, the Company shall return the full amount received that corresponds to the value of the goods returned, including shipping costs, if applicable.

11.5. Reimbursement of funds: The Company shall make sure to reimburse the funds provided in the previous para., 11.4:

i) without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 calendar days from the day on which it is informed of the consumer’s decision to withdraw from the sale of goods contract. It is noted that the Company maintains the right to withhold the reimbursement of the funds of para., 11.4 until it has received the goods back, or until the consumer has supplied sufficient evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest (see para., 11.7),
ii) using the same means of payment as the consumer used for the initial transaction, unless the consumer has expressly agreed otherwise with the Company and provided that the consumer does not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.
iii) in cases where the consumer has made payment by deposit to a Company’s bank account (as provided in para., 7.2.iii) as well as in cases where payment is made with cash-on-delivery (pursuant to para., 7.2 ii) the Company will make an electronic deposit of the relevant funds to a bank account of a credit institution duly operating in Greece or Cyprus, as applicable, that the consumer will notify to the Company with the Return Form.

TheCompany shall not be liable for any delay in processing the Company’s instructions by the bank for the reimbursement of the funds of para., 11.4 to the consumer, like in cases of delays for which the bank is responsible (strikes, public holidays etc.).
The Company shall bear the shipping costs for the first return of the goods due to withdrawals pursuant to this para., 11 only when the consumer exercising the withdrawal right uses the ACS couriers (and the most economic standard option) for such return. The consumer shall contact the ACS courier for the return of such goods. If the consumers wishes to use another courier he shall bear the expenses for the return of the goods (see para., 11.7).
Obligations of the consumer in the event of Withdrawal: The consumer is obliged to send back the goods to the Company (shipping them as provided above) not later than 14 calendar days from the day on which he has communicated to the Company his decision to withdraw from the contract in accordance with this para., 11 (The deadline is respected if the consumer sends back the goods before the expire of the 14 days calendar days).
11.6. The goods must be returned in the exact same condition delivered to the consumer (with the full packaging box/nylon, without any wear, tear or other changes) and without the price tags, labels, any stickers or other markings etc., having being removed, together with everything contained in the package (including the receipt, any other document accompanying the goods etc). The consumer may handle the goods in the same manner that would have handled in a physical store in order to establish the nature, and characteristics of the goods, without causing any damage to them.

11.7. The Company shall not accept the return of goods, and shall not refund the amount corresponding to the value of such goods not satisfying the requirements of para., 11.6 and will send them back to the customer at the customer’s expenses.

11.8. Exceptions from the right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal of this para., 11 is provided in respect of distance and off-premises contracts. In addition, the right of withdrawal is not provided as regards the supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and were unsealed after delivery, including socks.

With this policy Startline Single Member S.A. (hereafter «Company» or «We»), in its capacity as Data Controller, as part of its commitment of being transparent, aims to inform you regarding the means of handling and processing of your personal data, the controls in place to protect them, as well as your rights, always in compliance with the applicable regulatory framework for protecting personal data.

About us
Startline Single Member S.A. was founded in 2012 and it represents one of the largest American companies in the athletic gear industry in Greece and Cyprus.
In a highly competitive environment, Startline S.A. stands out for the quality of the products it provides. The brand name it represents holds the top places on the international market.
For the following processing activities, Startline S.A. is the Data Controller. Our Company’s profile, as well as our contact details are mentioned below:

 Company Name  STARTLINE Single Member S.A.
 Address  23ο Km ATHENS-LAMIA National Road, 14568
 G.E.MI. registration number  122411801000
 Tax Identification Number  800435292
 Contact details: e-mail/phone   info@newbalance.gr / +30.210-8160085

Collection & Processing of personal data
During your browsing to our website or when you buy products from us or contact us, we may collect information that concerns you. We note that we collect and process only the information that is necessary for completing the following purposes and under the condition that we always possess the required lawful basis for the process. More specifically, the type of personal data we collect and retain may be, per case, the following: 

 Type of personal data  Purpose of processing  Legal Basis
 Full name, email, country, area, city, address, postcode, phone number  Data collection and processing for completing a product purchase  Contract
 Full name, email, phone number  Data collection and processing for user registration  Consent     
 Full name, email, phone number  Data collection and processing for receiving and managing complaints regarding products  Consent
 Full name, email  Handling contact details for promoting new products  Consent
 Full name, email, address, area, city, postcode, phone number  Collecting and handling contact details for customer support by phone or in person in the store  Legitimate interest
 Cookies  Proper functionality and handling of our website, identifying, analyzing and solving technical issues (e.g. bugs) and securing from or identifying a possible fraud or other breaches regarding terms of use of our website  Legitimate interest

The Company processes your data in order to complete its abovementioned legitimate interests, only under the condition they do not exceed your rights and freedoms.

In any case, the Company may process your data for purposes of complying with the obligations that are imposed by the applicable legal and regulatory framework, with the supervisory requirements, as well as with the decisions of authorities or courts.

In the event that you wish to be furtherly informed about the Company’s policy regarding the cookies our website is handling, please click here.

Data transferring to third parties
Our Company may disclose your data to third parties/recipients (natural and legal persons), under the condition they implement the appropriate technical and organisational controls, as well as comply with their obligation of abiding by the confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements, such as ACS (courier), Lighthouse (website and e-shop hosting services), Piraeus Bank (electronic payments), Gourlouzidis D. And SIA E.E. (IT) Chiotis N. Dimitrios (accounting office)

Company that manages websites and e-shops
Company that provides website and e-shop hosting services
Company that provides email services
Company that provides services regarding the development, maintenance and configuration of IT applications
Company that provides accounting services
Company that provides postal services
Company that provides a platform for electronic payments "Piraeus Bank" 
In any case, the Company guarantees that it will not transfer, disclose, offer, etc. your data to third parties for any purpose or use other than those explicitly disclosed in the current Policy. However, we retain the right to disclose information concerning you, if the legislation obliges us to do so, or if that disclosure is required by the competent supervisory, auditing, independent, judicial, public and/or other authorities.

Furthermore, the Company does not transfer your data to countries outside the European Economic Community («EEC»). In the event that there is a relevant need in the future, we commit that we shall proceed to your immediate notification, as well as to the application of the necessary controls for assuring the protection of your data.

Data retention period of your data
The Company retains your data for as long as the purpose for which the data was collected remains valid.

The Company may retain your data also after the fulfilment of the abovementioned purposes of collecting and processing, for a period up to 10 years after your latest purchase in which we handled your personal data, due to possible legal obligations, legitimate interests etc. These cases are:

Legal obligation of the Company related to a provision of the law.
For use before any audit authority within the statutory retention period. 
If necessary for the proper organisation and operation of the Company, provided that your data is anonymised.
Up until the lapse of the relevant claims to defend the rights and legitimate interest of our Company before any competent Court and any other public authority.
If there is an administrative or judicial litigation that is directly or indirectly related to your data, until a final judgment is given.

Finally, we shall retain your data for the period that we possess an active consent for the purposes that it was given, as mentioned above.
After the lapse of the retention period, our Company is responsible for erasing your data in paper form or stored in our information systems, in a secure manner.

Description of your Rights
Right to be informed/notified
You have the right to obtain and we are obligated to provide you with clear, transparent and easily comprehended information regarding the means of handling your personal data and rights.

Right to access
You have the right to obtain access to your personal data (if we process them) and to information regarding them, such as the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, their origin, and their possible recipients.

Right to rectification
You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate information, as well as the completion of any potentially incomplete personal data that concern you.

Right to erasure
You have the ability to request the erasure or the removal of your personal data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes it was collected or processed in any other way, or when there is no legitimate justification to continue processing the data.

However, we might have the right or the obligation of retaining the information, in cases we have a special legal obligation to do so, or we have other valid legitimate justification to retain it.

Right to restriction of processing
On specific circumstances, you have the right to request to «exclude» or discontinue the further handling of your information. When the processing is limited, we are still able to store your information, but we could not use them for other purposes.

Right to data portability
You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data that we retain, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to reuse, transfer or disclose it for your own purposes.

Right to withdraw consent
Where the legal basis of processing your data is “Consent”, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on a valid consent given before its withdrawal. 

Right to object
You have the right to object in processing your personal data, such as automated decision making, under specific circumstances.

You can exercise the abovementioned rights by sending an email at info@newbalance.gr.

Means of Exercising your Rights
In the event that you wish to exercise one of the abovementioned rights you can address at info@newbalance.gr by sending an electronic mail.

In the event that you submit a request for exercising your rights, the Company shall respond in your relevant request within 1 (one) month from its submission. The said deadline could be extended by 2 (two) more months, following a prior notice, taking into consideration the complexity of the request and the amount of the requests under processing.

Our response to your request above is provided free of charge. However, in case that your request is obviously unfounded, excessive or recurring, we may either notify you regarding the charging with a reasonable fee, or to deny responding to your request.

Security and Protection of personal data
The personal data processing procedure is carried out in a way that ensures its confidentiality. More specifically, it is carried out exclusively by appointed for this purpose personnel, while all the appropriate organisational and technical controls for securing and protecting the data, apply. These controls include technics and procedural activities, as well as activities for monitoring and detecting, that aim to secure data from misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, loss, modification or destruction.

Lodging complaints to a Supervising Authority
You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of your data performed by our Company, to any supervising authority of a member state of the European Union and especially to the Data Protection Authority. If you have concerns regarding the means of processing your personal data, please visit the Data Protection Authority’s website for more details, or you can contact them at:

Hellenic Data Protection Authority
Postal Address: Kifissias 1-3, 11523, Athens
Calling Center: +30-210 6475600
Fax: +30-210 6475628
Electronic mail: contact@dpa.gr

Modifications and Updates to this Privacy Policy
We may review and revise this policy with a view to our continuous compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements and the optimal protection of your data and the support of your rights on these data.

You shall be notified for any review we perform by publishing an updated version on our website or by contacting you through electronic mail.

Contact us
If you have any question about the present Policy or any other matter regarding the protection of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us through email at info@newbalance.gr or by calling to 0030 210-8160085.

Other useful links
Website Terms
Cookies Policy, IP addresses & Similar Technologies 

GDPR Terms & Definitions
«personal data»: means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;  

«processing»: means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

«restriction of processing»: means the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future;

«profiling»: means any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or movements;

«controller»: means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law;

«personal data breach»: mean a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed;

For more information regarding the new Regulation you can visit the following web address: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/priorities/justice-and-fundamental-rights/data-protection/2018-reform-eu-data-protection-rules_en

In the event of a discrepancy between any post or link on our site and Greek and European legislation, we apply the provisions of applicable Greek and European legislation.

All intellectual property rights subsisting in and/or relating to the E-shop, including trademarks, belong to the sole ownership of the Company or their lawful owners. The reproduction, copy, sale, resale and/or the commercial or other exploitation of all or part of the contents of www.newbalance.gr is forbidden. 

14.1. The Terms and Conditions as well as the sale of goods contract between the consumer and the Company are governed by Greek law. The competent courts for the resolution of any dispute regarding the Terms and Conditions as well as the conclusion, interpretation or performance of the sales of goods contract between the consumer and the Company are the courts of Athens.

14.2. For the out-of-court settlement of disputes, the consumer may refer to the Conciliation Committees of alternative dispute settlement pursuant to article 11 L. 2251/1994 on the Greek Protection of Consumers Act (for more information on out-of-court-alternative disputes settlement please see the Ministry of Development website  at http://www.mindev.gov.gr/προστασία-του-καταναλωτη/εναλλακτικη-επιλυση-καταναλωτικων-δ/). 

14.3. Consumers residing in the Union may resort to an alternative disputes resolution entity (ADR) for the out-of-court settlement of cross border disputes stemming from online purchases, which proposes a solution or brings the parties together with the aim of facilitating an amicable solution. It is noted that the option of an electronic resolution of consumer disputes is available (see https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show).

14.4. The protection afforded by the law provisions regarding contracts concluded by distance as well as these Terms and Conditions apply to consumers who are natural entities and in relation to their dealings with the E-shop that do not fall within their commercial, craft, business or professional activities.

14.5. In case of doubt between the Greek text of the Terms and Conditions and the English version, the Greek text prevails.

Should any of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not prejudice the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

The Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the consumer and the Company for the sale of goods through the E-shop.

The Company has the right to, at anytime, and without prior notice, unilaterally amend:

i) the Terms and Conditions,
ii) the content and information contained in the website ii) www.newbalance.gr which relate to the products available through it.

18.1. What are the cookies used at www.newbalance.gr. A cookie is a small piece of data used by browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox κλπ) and assist in the better functioning of the website allowing it to recognise the user’s preferences each time he revisits it. 

18.2. The user may alter the settings of its browser to block certain or all cookies or even fully deactivate them altogether. However, if cookies are blocked or deactivated, parts of the contents of www.newbalance.gr will not appear. To see the cookies used by www.newbalance.gr click here.